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Major changes to gas compliance regulations

29 May 2023

Commercial Gas Appliance and Servicing Update.

There have been major changes in the new AS/NZS5601.1-2022 gas installation standard released on 30/09/22, which came into effect on 31/03/23. this new standard replaces the old AS/NZS5601.1-2013 version.

The new standard is not retrospective. Installations performed before the published date of a new standard fall back to the standard of that era.

The exception is where an existing gas installation is modified, i.e., addition, replacement, or removal of an appliance or pipework, the installation needs to be brought up to current requirements so the gas contractor can certify the installation.

The change takes place on the 1st of May 2023

The following list is a dot-point summary of some of the major changes that apply:

  • A new definition for an "ignition source".
  • Section 2 has been separated into "Essential safety requirements" and "Performance-based design requirements".
  • Brazing is prohibited within 1m of a joint with non-metallic components. • New drawings for consumer piping located in cavities.
  • Prohibition on the installation of multilayer pipes aboveground external to buildings.
  • Provision of emergency isolation for multilayer pipe, including a new definition for a fire safety system.
  • Increased clearance requirement between domestic cooking appliances and range hoods, new clearance is now 650mm unless the manufacturer specifies a greater distance.
  • Restriction on the use of semi-rigid connectors in the installation of commercial catering equipment.
  • New requirements for the protection of combustible surfaces adjacent to commercial catering equipment.
  • New pipe sizing graphs and tables based upon the Churchill friction factor equation.
  • Effect of altitude on gas supply pressure for high-rise building installations.
  • Revised requirements for the location of flue terminals under a covered area, in a recess, or on a balcony.
  • New requirement for the isolation of installations in educational institutions.
  • New requirements for freestanding commercial catering equipment with the under-equipment connection.
  • New requirements for the connection of freestanding commercial catering equipment using a hose assembly.

For any further information on this subject, there is a great deal of information available. We would be happy to assist you in any way. The great benefit of the standards revision/ upgrades is the changes are about keeping you, your family, customers, and members of the public safe.

Prohibition of Sale – Open Flued Gas Space Heater

As of 31 March 2023, manufacturers will no longer be able to sell open-flued gas space heaters (OFGSHs) in South Australia that have been manufactured prior to the 1st of January 2022. Since the 1st of January 2022, OFGSHs must comply with amendments introduced to Australian Standards AS/NZS5263.1.3 which require that OFGSHs shut down automatically if they spill combustion products for more than 15 minutes where there is a continuous negative pressure environment.

The Office of the Technical Regulator has determined that OFGSHs lacking the new safety features have an increased risk of becoming unsafe in the future. This is due to modern houses being more efficient, exhaust fans becoming more powerful, and the risk of a negative pressure environment being elevated. Under such an environment, dangerous levels of carbon monoxide can build up inside the building and can result in poisoning or death.

In summary, from the 31st of March 2023 in South Australia:

  • OFGSHs manufactured before 1 January 2022 can be installed however manufacturer can no longer sell them
  • OFGSHs manufactured after 1 January 2022 comply with new safety requirements and can be installed normally It is strongly recommended that OFGSHs are serviced every two years to ensure that they are in working order and confirm that no exhaust fans have been added since their installation.

There is a process change for Natural Gas Meter Installation South Australia.

The change takes place on the 1st of May 2023

As of 1 May 2023, a process change for gas meter installations came into effect. From this date, only 'hang and wad' meter installations will be accepted for completion in South Australia. A hang and wad meter installation (or hang and wad 'meter fix') is when the gas meter is connected to the inlet pipework and wadded.

For gas fitters managing a new natural gas connection, the following changes apply:

  • The outlet consumer pipework and appliances no longer need to be completed at the time of gas meter installation.
  • Nobody is required to be home for a hang-and-wad meter fix, as long as the meter position is not restricted (e.g. no locked gates preventing access).
  • The gas fitter will be responsible for purging the gas supply, and commissioning, appliances. APA will no longer undertake this function, regardless of whether the outlet service and appliances are connected at the time the gas meter is installed.

The process change to hang and wad meter installations will streamline the connection process, and empower gas fitters to manage their gas connection work end-to-end. We believe this will be a positive change for all new natural gas customers in South Australia. There are also still great rebate incentives to connect to Natural Gas with a $500 connection bonus and additional rebates still available for installing a range of appliances, from hot water to cooking and heating. AGN or Australian Gas Networks supply over 1.3 million homes across South Australia, Victoria, NSW, QLD, and The Northern Territory.

For more information, please call us on 8367 8383 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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